Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2012


What tag is used to describe the contents of a web page?
the tag that is used to describe the contents of a web page is HTML

What tag is used to make text appear bold?
the tag that is used to make text appear bold is the HTML tag

what tag is used to indicate the start of the contents of a web page?
the tag that is used to indicate the start of the contents of a web page is the beginning tag

What tag is used to indicate the start of the HTML file?
The tag that is used to indicate the start of the HTML file is the <HTML></HTML>pair

What tags are used for comments in an HTML file?
  <!--This is a comment. Comments are not displayed in the browser-->

     <p>This is a paragraph.</p> .<script type="text/javascript">
     function displayMsg()
     alert("Hello World!")

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